Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Why magnetic field must be a tensor?


  1. It is very interesting your research. I feel it is OK to violate conservation of momentum in a certain time, because the fields do not interact instantaneously but it takes times for the fields to propagate through space from their sources to their destination. Jefimenko has published a theory of retarted electromagnetic fields that explains how the electric and magnetic fields can be explained in terms of fields generated by sources and delayed in time. From my own intuition, when an electron radiates an electromagnetic wave, it recoils against the field. it is not until that photon interacts with another piece of matter that momentum is finally conserved in the materiel realm. This is all very interesting, and fascinated to discuss in further details.

    Dr Jaynes.

    1. Thanks for commenting. EM field does not propagate instantaneously, but the laws are that of Jefimenko. Radiation and recoil of electron is the thing I'm studying.
