Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Displacement magnetism experiment design

Peng Kuan 彭宽                                titang78@gmail.com                           https://twitter.com/pengkuanem

Displacement magnetism experiment design
31 July 2012

According to Ampere-Maxwell equation, displacement current creates magnetic field. I call this theory displacement magnetism. I have proven that displacement magnetism violates energy conservation law and as a consequence, the wave equation is inconsistent (1,2,3).

The above conclusions need experimental test. I propose an experiment whose design is shown in the Figure 1. A round plate capacitor is charged by an alternate current, Ic. In the circuit a long rectangular loop is connected in series. The magnetic field variation in the space between the plates and outside the capacitor is measure by an EMF sensor. Another EMF sensor measures the magnetic field near the long side of the loop. 

Please read the following document

Used documents links
1)      Displacement Current Paradox http://pengkuanem.blogspot.com/2012/07/displacement-current-paradox.html
2)      Phantom Lorentz force Paradox http://pengkuanem.blogspot.com/2012/07/phantom-lorentz-force-paradox.html
3)      Electromagnetic Wave Paradox http://pengkuanem.blogspot.com/2012/07/electromagnetic-wave-paradox.html

Documents Links http://pengkuanem.blogspot.com/2012/04/documents-links.html

Monday, July 23, 2012

Electromagnetic Wave Paradox

Peng Kuan 彭宽                                titang78@gmail.com                           https://twitter.com/pengkuanem

Electromagnetic Wave Paradox
23 July 2012

In 2 previous articles, I have shown that the magnetic field generated by displacement current violated energy conservation law. But, this type of magnetic field was involved neither in Lorentz force nor in EMF. Its only use is for electromagnetic wave. Here, we will check the consistency of electromagnetic wave equation. 

Used documents links

Monday, July 16, 2012

Phantom Lorentz force Paradox

Peng Kuan 彭宽                                titang78@gmail.com                           https://twitter.com/pengkuanem

Phantom Lorentz force Paradox
16 July 2012

I have exposed an inconsistency of Ampere-Maxwell equation, in the article
“Displacement Current Paradox” http://pengkuanem.blogspot.com/2012/07/displacement-current-paradox.html
This equation states that displacement current creates magnetic field and EMF. However, “Displacement Current Paradox” shows that this EMF would violate the energy conservation law.

Magnetic field has 2 properties, EMF and Lorentz force. Let us study the Lorentz force created by magnetic field associated to displacement current. The Figure 1 shows a round plate capacitor charged by an alternate current Ic, and a wire loop in which circulates a constant Il. The varying charge of the capacitor creates a displacement current and then a magnetic field, which in turn, exerts a Lorentz force on the current loop.

Please read the following document

Used documents links

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Displacement Current Paradox

Peng Kuan 彭宽                                titang78@gmail.com                           https://twitter.com/pengkuanem

Displacement Current Paradox
8 July 2012

I have exposed 3 inconsistencies of the Lorentz force law in several articles, these inconsistencies are about Lorentz force, but they can also be about magnetic field. So, let us examine the Maxwell–Ampere equation. 

Displacement current creates magnetic field in free space. For example, on a conductor sphere been charged by an alternate current (see the Figure 1), the electric charge varies, the electric displacement field D varies and the variation of D creates a magnetic field around the sphere. Let us calculate this magnetic field.

Please read the following document
Used documents links